Blog Birthday!

Blog Birthday!

Thanks to all of you who have showed up before me today! I am here now, and waking up slowly.

Last night I went to bed feeling pretty damn good! First I got an email from Raven, the CEO at Liquid Silver Books saying that she’d just read my submission THE DEVIL INSIDE (excerpt onthe bottom of the TREATS page) and she loved it! So they’ve accepted it and are looking forward to me making it a series! Yay!! They like me!! OKay, they like my writing!! :hehe:

Next was an email from the managing editor of the Amber Heat line, with the final copy of my erotic short story MEANDROS that will be out in June as part of their Amber Heat Wave Celebration. She made me feel absolutely fantastic by telling me that Meandros was a wonderful story. It was “Steamy and heartwrenchingly beautiful at the same time.” šŸ˜€

Yes, I was bragging…but I am soo happy to be getting Good feedback on my sotries. I’m a writer…I OFTEN feel insecure about them. :rolleyes:

Oh, and I chatted with the date guy from the other night too. Amazingly, I still like him! šŸ˜‰
We should name him so I can talk about him on here.:P

Okay, I’m awake. PARTY TIME!!!!

The way it’s going to work is every hour, on the hour, until 9 pm EST I’m going to give something away. The way to win the prizes will be to answer the questions I’ll be posting. Just email the answer to me (or use the COntact button on the Home page) and the winner will be drawn from the correct answers.

Every time you enter one of the contests through-out the day your name will be entered into the draw for the Grand Prize, a free copy of anything I release for the next year!! That includes GYPSY HEART at the end of this month, and MEADROS, and now THE DEVIL INSIDE!!

Oh, and if you sign up for the Newsletter today you’ll also get entered for the Grand prize. Those of you that are already signed up, are already enterd inthe draw ONCE.

Make sense? Any questions?

OKay, Lets start the day off with a kiss! (okay, that was a bit cheesy..but I’m just waking up!):laugh:

The first giveaway will be fairly easy. The deadline to enter this contest is at 2:55 EST, the winner and next contest announced at 3 Find the NEWS section of my website and tell me what was the date that my first EROTIC ROMANCE was sold, to who was it sold, and whats’s the title?

This is for the “Kissing Coupons” Book, and a chance to enter for the grand prize.


  1. Sasha

    Sida. ~ Me and time zones together can be a huge screw up…. the Next contest will start at 3 EST.

    Hi Barbara! Welcome..and please..Join in!

    Morning Cece! Thanks for the faith! šŸ˜‰

  2. Sasha

    Robyn…enter as many times as you can. If you win once, you can still win again. and remember that every time you enter one of the contests your name gets entered for the Grand Prize!

  3. Jaq

    Just wanted to come over and say, congratulations, hon! Love to hear all the great feedback you’re getting, and to let you know i wish you all the best. This is just the beginning kiddo. šŸ™‚

  4. rainsy

    Congrats on your new book. You certainly sound like you have a very full and exciting life. i didn’t settle down until I was in my 40’s, it was worth the wait, and I had a blast
    waiting for the right person

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