Many people practice some element of BDSM in their sexual lives without even necessarily being aware of it. They may think of “S&M” as “That sick stuff that people do with whips and cattle prods and stuff,” yet still blindfold one another from time to time, or tie one another down and break out the whipped cream…

I’m still not finished THE DEVIL INSIDE and I’ms starting get really antsy about it. In fact, I think I’ll pull an all-nighter tonite so I can at least get the final scenes bones down. I need to finish it because I told myself I wasn’t going to start anything new until it was done, and Katie (the h for WILLING) is starting to kick up a fuss. I’ve never experienced a character getting impatient for their story before. All I can say is some very hot scenes are flling my head and begging to be put down on paper, and my procrastination habits onthe internet have turned to the exploration of sexual limits. (Then again, maybe it was just the visit to the “Adults Only” store yesterday that fueled my imagination. 😛 )

I’ve written some short stories that deal with the lighter side of domination and submission before. But I can already feel it in my bones that Katie and Joe’s story, WILLING, is going to go much deeper into that lifestyle than anything I’ve written before.

I have no idea if this story is going to be a romantic one or not, but I know it’s going to erotic and fast paced, and maybe even a bit dark. I know I’m going to write it the way I want it to be written, the way it needs to be written.

I’ll worry about selling it later.


  1. Welcome to the impatient character club 🙂

    But even though I’m dying to read Katie & Joe’s story (um, even MORE SO now) I will wait patiently while you finish what you started. Because I’m still being good and ignoring Jake/Nick and finishing what I started for WORD. 😀

  2. Sasha

    Well, maybe I wouldn’t be able to ignore the impatient characters if mine were to Navy SEALs…lol, but I don’t think writing would be what I want with them. 😉

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