A concubine….

A concubine….

as a heroine? An abused man as a hero?

Sapphire, the main character in Sylvia’s work in progress is a concubine. Definitely not your typical romance heroine, but then again, as I continue to read the now complete story ofSapphire’s Worth I can assure you, not much about this story is typical romance at all. To me, that’s a good thing.

Another manuscript I’ve been enjoying lately is Cece’s latest. Cowboy’s Don’t Cry is full of surprises that’ll get you hooked on The Boudreaux’s and Bluebonnet Texas.

Both authors have bright futures ahead of them.
I can’t wait until I can say I knew them when…. 😛


  1. Funny you should say that. One contest judge wrote, "I found this character not representative of a romance heroine. That alone kept me from wanting to read more."

    I took it as a compliment! 😉

    (The other judge in the same contest wrote, "Your characters are great. Love Sapphire. Extremely well-developed." Ya can’t please ’em all! 😀 )

  2. cece

    Awwwww thanks Sasha!! Are you feeling better?

    Sylvia I’m LOL@the judge. Ya gotta love ’em (or shoot ’em). I had a contest judge write "this is not a romance" on CDC (it’s first contest). I bawled. Then I realized she was right. :laugh:

    I LOVE the idea of a concubine as a heroine–very remniscent of Beatrice Small’s historicals–I remember there were a couple harems–names escape me–but the descriptions of harem life and such always fascinated me!

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