

I’ve never thought of myself as longwinded, being a short story writer and all. And compared to most writers I’m still not. However, I am finding that the more I work on this novella the longer I think it’ll be.

I started it praying that I could write 100 pages. Now I’m at what I thought would be halfway and I’m thinking it might actually make the 125 mark. Normally I’d be happy to realise that I’m able to lengthen the story, but right now, 10 days before I leave for Greece, I’m not too happy about it.

My goal is to have the first draft finished before I get on the plane. I’m aware that it’s not a long story by most standards. But compare it to my usual 5 page short stories and I think it’s pretty darn good! But can I finish it in time? And let’s hope the story is good too, and not just a bunch of boring words strung together. I don’t want to sacrifice a good story just to make the page count higher. πŸ˜‰