Time Out

Time Out

I booked myself a Time Out.
I’m going to Greece for two weeks!! 😀
I’ve never gone on just a short holiday to somewhere sunny! It’s always been me, my backpack and I’ll see ya in a few months!
Well, except when I went to Mexico for a week for my 30th birthday. But that wasn’t a holiday. That was a party! :hehe:
:laugh: I’m so excited!! :laugh:


  1. Cece

    You should be, sweetie!! I have to say this. I know being single is tough and, well, we’ve discussed prince charming and his therapy bills.
    People come and go but the memories you build as you "travel" through life, are priceless gems no one can take away from you.

    I hope you have a ball. Think of my sweltering in N. Central Texas while you’re over there watching bronze boytoys. Take pics!

  2. OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!! I ADORE Greece!!! I’m so jealous! I went there for two weeks in 1992, and I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it was. We went to a little island that had just opened to tourism, so it wasn’t busy, and it was fantastic. I wanna go back SO bad! You’ll have to post pictures when you get back! 😉

  3. Dianna

    :cool:Wish I could go on a holiday…I will just have to live vicariously through my online friends…careful not to get a sunburn…do they get the allover kind there too? :blush:

  4. Sasha

    I promise to take lots of pics…of everything!
    And I promise to eat lots of exellent greek food and to lay on the beach…and to write…uhmm at least 1 short story. 😀

    Larissa~ 1992 huh? not that long ago. What island was it? The not so busy one. I like that idea!

  5. Hmm, if I remember right, the island was called Poros. We stayed in a town called Skala. The water was SO clear and made for excellent snorkeling. The beaches were beautiful–everyone goes topless, and let me tell you, it was scary at times! But there was a bar on the beach, and the waiters would come around asking if you wanted drinks–it was awesome! The food was excellent, and the people were wonderful. I think they were too isolated to hate Americans yet! :crazy:

    We rented mopeds and drove to a couple of different towns, and we took a ferry to another island to check out some really cool ruins.

    I wanna go back! 🙁

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