Oh Well,

Oh Well,

Today was the final day for finalists to be notified about a writing contest I entered. And I didn’t final in it. πŸ™ I had high hopes for it because it was a contest that focused on love scenes. A ten-page entry of “your most sensual love scene”. I think I do pretty good love scenes, I even had a romance writing friend of mine look it over and help me put more emotion and development into it so it was more than just a sex scene. But, it still didn’t place.

So now I’m waiting for my entry to be returned, and I can’t wait to see what sort of comments the judges gave. I’m hoping it wasn’t my actual writing skills that didn’t make the cut. That just maybe a shower/spanking scene might’ve been too much for them to handle. Traditional romance love scene it was not! πŸ˜€

I’ll let y’all know when I find out.