Ants in my Pants.

Ants in my Pants.

I can’t get used to all the waiting involved in this business. :crazy: I’m such an impatient person in life that the only way I can really deal with waiting to hear from a publisher is if I make myself Forget what I have out there.

I am suffering right now though. I have four short stories out there that I am waiting to hear about. I’ve heard back from two publishers that say they like my stories and want to use them. 😀 But no contracts. UGH! This kills me. I really really want them to take them, ( I guess that sorta goes without saying) I’m extremly excited about one proposed collection in particularand I really really want to share the news about it, and spread the word.(and have something new to put on my fabulous new website!:cool: ) But I can’t do that until I have the final word on them! Whaaaa!

Ok..Just had to share my angst.