My Horoscope for Friday
Don’t be afraid to challenge your own excuses, for until you constantly check yourself, you run the risk of establishing a truth for one reason and sticking to it for another. Just because something was true or valid in the past is no reason to assume that remains the case. You’ve got to be open to constantly revising your version of the truth, knowing that it changes and evolves as your life does. Continue to have an open mind.

You know these things, they come in to your email box every day after you sign up, some of them make sense, some are so generalized you don’t even read them (Well, for me anyway). This one is pretty generalized too, but when I started to read it, it struck a chord. Especially after my post at Genreality Wednesday. I got some great advice on how to get myself focussed again, but really, it all comes down to one thing – take it seriously, and get to work.

I think the universe has just cracked the whip over me. 😆


  1. SonyaM

    You have a new fan. I loaned my copy of Wicked to a friend. We are camping at Texas Motor Speedway & she wanted a book. She finished it within 24 hours! The last book she read took her more than 2 months.

    She loved Wicked; loved Karl; loved your other characters and also loved the story line.

    Hope you have a GREAT weekend. I’m going racin’…

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