Summer’s Here

Summer’s Here


  1. 3 goals huh?
    Ok…1)Start working out, this is a hard one for me. I just got a BenderBall howeverso…
    2)I want a job! I have to start getting out of the house more. My parties are fun, but I don’t have a set time away from home.
    3)I am going to change my attitude, I read self help books all the time…today I saw a guy simplify it. 2 columns one can control and the other what you can’t control. What a simple way of looking at it.
    I’m not saying it won’t still be hard but it seems easier his way.
    I also went and adopted another dog…she’s a German Shepard 3 yrs old and very active, she was a rescue…but I think she’s going to wind up rescuing me, Cassie LOVES to GO!!!! :sport: :champion:

  2. You have some great goals for the summer. A job is agreat way to get out of the house and sort of give yourself a break from your own head. For me anyway. LOL

    The columns sound good too. I might try that, myself.

    And the dog, Go Cassie!! :great:

  3. Have fun with your pals, Sasha. You earned this break and you’re looking so relaxed and bright eyed. 🙂 My goals are:
    1) Start going to the steam baths again (haven’t been in years, used to do me a lot of good)
    2) Similar to you, to write something just for me to have fun with it.
    3) to be ready for the RWA conference 😆

  4. Crystal B.

    My three goals:
    1. Eat healthier and be active so I can lose some weight.
    2. Spend more time with family that I have not seen in a while.
    3. Go out more and have fun and not worry so much about the small stuff.

  5. Sasha, part of our reason for moving was to broaden our lives which had narrowed to work and immediate family, so I’m right there with you. Working on finding the balance between career and fun and fitness and social life.

    I’m doing the 12-second sequence workout, which is painful but good. I’ll be keeping that up over the summer. Doing more socializing and going to movies, something I pretty much didn’t do for five years. And working through my TBR backlog, which I’m determined to whittle down by Jan. 1. All while keeping up with deadlines, heh.

  6. 1. Lose 20 pounds. It’s a little ambitious but I promised kids a trip to the Y to swim a couple days a week and I can do the treadmill while they swim.

    We’re already planning the movie thing so can a chainsaw count as a goal? I really want a chainsaw and some new hedge trimmers LOL Um I’d really like to take a class on laying laminate and tile and maybe doing bathroom tiling via Home Depot or Lowes because they’re all things I need to do. So that’s 2.

    Like you most of my friends are married and those that aren’t have kids just like I do. I’m not a bar person but I’d like to find another way to get out of the house.

    And I have two credit cards I’d REALLY like to get paid off this summer.

  7. Sasha I hope you had fun time with you friend. I have a best friend like that. We don’t get together often (she lives 3 provinces over) but when we do it’s like we’ve never been apart and we have the BEST time.

    So for this summer, my first goal is to get to the gym at least 4 times a week.

    It’s been a long winter and I haven’t been out much, so my second goal is to get out more, and go to the park, go to the movies, or just go for a walk.

    Because I work at home, and live in a military community, I’ve lost ALL my friends over the years through postings. And since I don’t get out much, I don’t meet new people often, so my third goal is to make some new friends.

    On the writing front, that will slow down. I plan on doing a tiny bit, but i won’t delve into anything big or intense until the Fall. I want to spend my time hanging at the pool with the kids.

  8. There are always so many things that I want to do at any given time but there are a few that I’m pushing for more than others. Let’s see…

    1. Take the near 20 pounds (and hopefully a bit more) I managed to gain over the last year off so I feel good in my skin again.

    2. Put everything aside for a little while and carve out enough “me-time” to write again. It’s been so long and I miss it incredibly.

    3. Save up enough money so my mom and I can take our annual “Mother’s Day” trip to Epcot before the summer is over. Finances didn’t allow us to go in May as we usually do but it’s something we’ve done as a treat to each other for years and I don’t want to let it slip into a new year and miss out on our weekend together.

    There’s more, undoubtedly, but those are the ones in the forefront.

  9. YAY! Look at the goals! The authors are coming out of the woodwork to be more social! Yeeee Haaaw! :attack:

    Saskia, Steam baths..ohhh they sound wonderful. You’ll be great at RWA. I wish I was going.

    Crystal, not worrying about the small stuff is a HUGE thing. Go You!

    Charlie, I saw on your blog about the 12 Second thing. How you liking it?

    Amie, Home Depot is a great place to get some Do-It-Yourself lessons! Have fun!!

    Cathy, Good Luck with the socializing and keeping up with your goals in the gym. Balance is a hard thing to achieve, but I do think as long as we’re trying, we’re doing good!

  10. Amie, good luck. DIY anything still makes me twitch. Someday I’m going to put our Amityville Remodel DIY nightmare into a book.

    Sasha, the 12-second sequence is both fabulous and horrible. It’s very effective but there’s a reason you only do it twice a week; it takes that long to recover in between! Ow. Good thing Costco sells cheap ibuprofen in bulk…

  11. Samantha

    Alrighty, 3 goals:

    1) Save up. I have a job at the local grocery store, but I spend all my money on books and food. Which I still plan on doing, just in lesser amounts. Because university next year ain’t going to be cheap X_x

    2) Dance in pouring, thundering rain. I did this a few times with my best friend when we were in elementary school. Even though I always thought about doing it again I just never have. Its been a little over 10 years since the last time. Even better if my BFF were able to be with me again (She lives a bit away now).

    3) Write more. I’ve been so busy this year with school, and university applications and just STUFF that I even stopped writing in my diary. Which makes me mad cause I have the worst memory. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning without a prompt. I’d like to write something other than biology reports.

    Those are my TOP 3 goals of summer. I have others (10 all together actually) that, like you, include getting more active and hanging out with family and friends. As well as other more fun ones, ex. reading all of Alison Tyler’s books (which I know will headbutt with my goal #1).

    I hope you had a great time with your friend 🙂 Its a great feeling seeing someone you haven’t seen in a long time. I wouldn’t really know though, since all my friends since grade school still all live within a 15-20 minute drive (no one ever leaves Ontario). But I’d imagine you had tons of stuff to talk about.

    Anyways, hope you had a wonderful day.

    TGIF tomorrow 😀

  12. LOL @ Charlie. I know myself, I hLOVE to feel a workout. I love the burn the next day or two days ) but right now I’m trying to ease in. I’ve just gained way too much weight, and I’m trying not to injure myself while I get more active.

    Keep up the good work! Will you share before and after pics with us??

  13. Samantha…dancing in the rain sounds like so much fun! I used to ride a bike everywhere, and I hated rising to work in the rain. I loved riding Home from work in the rain…lol

    My time with freinds has been great lately. Sad to say, my best friend never made it into town.
    I’m not surprised, just disappointed.
    But friends in town have been eagerly welcoming me back to life. LOL

  14. Heeeey, Sasha! It’s been too long since I dropped by and look at you being all cheerie! What fun.

    OK, so I’m in. I think. My 3 goals are:

    1) Write more. Because I totally haven’t been writing that much. Maybe this should be find and stick to a writing schedule. That would give me more time to write.

    2) Workout. Because my on again off again isn’t working anymore. (Hmm… Maybe that schedule thing I mentioned in goal #1 would help with this also.)

    3) Survive. (This one may sound a little strange but it relates to a personal goal.) :great:

  15. Cathy M

    I love watching your video blogs, Sasha, you always make me smile. Let’s see, my three goals for the summer are:

    1. work with my hubby to paint the inside of our house ( we are way, way past due on this project)

    2. make an effort to walk more after dinner, and enjoy the fabulous weater we are having

    3. start tackling my scrapbook to do pile

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