Recommended Read

Recommended Read

I was sick last week. Sick enough that all I did was work the day job, then go straight to bed where I stayed for 12-15 hours before going to work again. I finally started feeling human again on Thursday, but still had no energy. Friday was the start of my three day weekend off, which I’d been so excited about before because hey, I can write a novella in a weekend!-but uhmmm no, not when my brain had been fried for several days and it hurt to the point of distraction every time I swallowed. So guess what I did on my weekend off from the DJ? I slept, did laundry, slept, and read!
51Zmw2y39iLMountain Echoes (The Walker Papers) I’m a big fan of the Walker Papers series. It’s very well written, with fabulous character and very unique and well researched plots that make me really want to believe in heroes like the Urban Shaman Jo, and her buddy Gary.
51p3pRYhVBLDeadly Sting was another of my recent top reads. No surprise here as I absolutely love this series, and I’ve yet to read a book and be disappointed.
I tried to read 12 Shades of Surrender and Naughty Bits but just couldn’t get into them. It was very disappointing for me because some of my favorite authors were in those collections. Not sure why they weren’t for me, but that’s what happened.
Now, I love erotic fiction, but I’ve been having a hard time finding some that I can really enjoy. Now, of course I love Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series, and pretty much anything by Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin, Lisa Renee Jones and Delilah Devlin, but other than that…I’ve been stuck and would love some recommendations from YOU.
So what are y’all reading that erotic and you think I might enjoy?