

Mini rant- Random thoughts….

A group of us went to a comedy club last night, and had some laughs. And some groans. And a few shakes of our head. There was female MC/Host for the night, and she was the best of them all, even better than the headliner in my opinion. I wish I could remember some of the things they said, but well, I can’t. Besides that, half the time it’s only funny when you’re sitting there with a few drinks in you.

My point about this was that our group was pretty eclectic. It was group of people form work, and in it we had males/females, a couple of gay guys and a Muslim. No this isn’t a joke. That was our group. My point is, that a couple of the comedians made a gay joke or two, and a bit of a slam at Muslims, and the guys laughed, but it made me uncomfortable. The jokes wouldn’t have made me laugh, even if they weren’t there, but I do admit them being there made me even more uncomfortable. Almost ashamed. I found it quite sad that the comedian had to be mean to be funny- or what he thought was funny.

Some people laughed, so obviously they thought it was funny too, but it made me think later, how there are some people who are never happy unless they are either making fun of someone else/ or making others unhappy . Not just the comedians, but I’m talking about people I see on a regular basis.

I have a family member like that. This person doesn’t seem happy unless they’re complaining about something. It’s a close family member, and I’ve seen it in other relatives, and it really makes me aware of when *I* get in a grumpy mood. It was then that I realized how much of a point that I make to try and always be positive- or at least to see the positive in a situation. It’s not always easy, and I do get grumpy/bitchy/pissed off about things, and even about nothing sometimes. But when I’m like that I also try to keep to myself, I don;t feel the need to spread my misery around.

I guess I’m just sort of wondering if spreading it around, or if making fun of other peoples lifestyle or beliefs makes one feel better about themselves, or is it just plain ignorance? I’m wondering if regular people think “what goes around comes around”. I’m certainly not a flower power person, and I’ve never read The Secret, but I do believe that energy attracts like energy, and if a person is negative, then even when something good happens to them, they won’t recognize it. Know what I mean?

This goes for the writing world too. I’ve been seeing so many authors flipping out on loops because such and such publisher had some layoffs. Or their editor told them they weren’t buying right now. So what? Does that mean you’re career is over? Not at all. Stop pissing and moaning about things you have no control over, and do something with what you DO have control over.

I get that times are hard for a lot of people right now. For too many people, but they’re not going to get better if you focus on the negative.


  1. Karin

    Like you, I try to be positive as much as I possibly can and keep my grumpiness to myself when I can’t. It doesn’t make me any happier to make the people around me miserable, so I try not to do so.

    I definitely agree with you on the idea that worrying about things only brings on more things to worry about. And that statement is true for a lot of things that can be substituted for ‘worry’ such as ‘complain’ or ‘negativity’ or even ‘happiness’ and ‘positivity’. I’m a firm believer in that and try to focus on all the good things in my life.

  2. I agree Sasha–the one thing in this world we can control is how we respond to the challenges we’re given. Louis Anderson has the perfect name for the kind of folks you’re talking about: The Bitter People. Their only joy in life is taking the joy out of life. Whenever I encounter folks of that ilk all I can think is: “Man, somebody need to drop you in the middle of Darfur so you can see what real suffering is like.”

  3. Laurie K

    Great post and Oh so true!

    It’s taken me a long time to break away from the negativity of close relations – I still have my moments, but I do believe in Karma – what goes around, comes around. I don’t believe in belittling anyone for personal gain (even a comedian).

    I actually feel sorry for people who believe they need to be this way. To me it’s sad – we all put our pants on the same way.

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