Answer me this….

Answer me this….

OKay folks, the fabulous Vanessa Jaye sent me this in an email, and I couldn’t resist posting it publicly, and tagging some friends. LOL
so this is the Question:
“If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for? ”
Answer in the comments, then Place the question on your own blog and tag some friends.
I’m Tagging.
Delilah Devlin,
Beth Williamson
Charlene Teglia


  1. Ha! I’d think you were being arrested for being in a BDSM club that got busted. Or possibly for indecent exposure.
    Since I don’t even jaywalk, if I was in a police car it’d be because I was doing a ride-along and asking endless research questions.

  2. I posted the same question on my personal Facebook page, and I found it funny that I got two answers, one fomr an old highschool friend I haven;t seen in 20 years, and another fomr a friend I work with several times a week. Yet, both answers were almost the same, and very close to these.
    One was indecent exposure (In particular she said flashing myself to a cop) another was disorderly conduct LOL .
    Although Erin, I think you might’ve got the closest to what I actually see for myself. 😳

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