Want to write?

Want to write?

If you want to explore writing something new, check out these calls for submissions…

Burrow Publishing is looking for hot raw Male Gay & BiSexual stories for a new Men Of Color anthology. Stories need to be 3,500 -6,000 words . Deadline for submissions is December 15, 2009

Rachel kramer Bussel is putting together a newanthology titled NAKED. She’s looking for short story submissions that have a theme of being naked…you can take that in pretty much any direction you want, (Short stories should be 1,500 – 5,000 words)check out her call for submissions on the ERWA website. Deadline for submission is January 1, 21010

Samhain Publishing has just put out an open call for submissions for a new Steampunk Romance Anthology; Novellas must be 25,000-30,000 words. Deadline is April 30, 2010