Graphic Art

Graphic Art

I’m out trying to take as many photos of stuff as I can. LOL Why? Because I signed up for the Creative Direction Workshop..and I’m super hyped to get into it.

All of the women involved are amazingly talented graphic designers, and very easy to talk to, so I know I’ll learn a lot. I Only have photoshop elements, but it’s all thats needed for what I want to do…

If you want to learn how to do some of Your own Graphics… be sure to check it out. At $25, it’s VERY reasonable cost for what they’re offering.

Thisis one I did, just playing on my own.


This is one Frauke did for me… (clich on the image for a larger size)

SD Flyer

I want to learn to make mine look more professional, and really $25 is not a lot of money to get me on my way to being more comfortable with trying it. The workshops will be taught by April Martinez (Fabulous cover artists) Ann Cain, (another amazing cover artist) and Frauke from Croc Designs. Not only has Frauke done my ads for me, but any graphics you see on this website, plus the website itself, was done by her. She’s talented, and I love having a talented teacher.
Check out Creative Direction if you want to learn about doing your own graphics.