Tag: <span>Writing</span>


This is the opening scene of ONE CHOICE, the sequel to ONE WEEKEND… What do you think? Instinct had me opening my eyes at exactly the right moment. Emerging from the oceans waves and coming my way was one of the hottest men I’d ever seen. Water glistened on his …


Today I’m wondering whats the better career move-write tons and hope to hook enough readers that I’ll someday be a “name”…or focus on one track to success, and rock that track like no one else. What’s brought this on? I’m surfing author websites and seeing how so many of them …

Inspired & Energized

I’m back, and feeling great. Lot’s of things have changed for me lately, if you’ve been following my weekly posts every Tuesday on the Genreality blog then you know about many of those things. One of the things that’s got me feeling so energized with my writing right now is …

My Tips For Writers

I’ve never been a big fan of rules, in anything. However, I’ve always had my own opinions on things. I’m great at giving advice, just ask anyone who knows me. Following it on the other hands, isn’t always my thing. I even find it hard to follow my own advice …


People have a variety of reactions when you tell them you’re a writer. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you. Lately I’ve had a variety of reactions when I say I’m a writer. Does that surprise you? A big part of me feels pride because everyone, at some point in the …


So, last week I mentioned I had plans for the new year, that I would share with you all as they came to fruition. Now’s the time to share one of my new ventures. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you might remember that I’ve had …

Blending careers

I’m a writer who does actually use things I’ve seen , done or heard about in my stories. And as a waitress /bartender for almost 20 years, that covers a lot of ground. Yet, I’ve never written a book on waitressing. The idea has played in the back of my …