Every Which Way

Every Which Way


What’s this? Oh, this is my June release. Yeah, an anthology with four of my favorite hot and naughty authors. And we’re not recycling older, already published stories, simply to bundle them together. Nope, it’s an all-new story from each of us, and they will be exclusively in this anthology for three months. (anthology will be available in print and download for three months only.)

Every Which Wy will be available for Download, and in Print on June 15th.

Just because Carnal won’t be released until the fall, doesn’t mean you have to wait until then for a new Overwatch story.

My short novella for the EVERY WHICH WAY anthology is going to be about a club member who isn’t main character in any of the books. I’m starting it today, but haven;t come up with a title yet… I’ll share when I do.