I’m going to share an email I just sent to a couple of close friends. I figures since I posted about why I’m behind, which was from the Bad News pile, I should share this, from the Good News pile.

“I just came from my normal doctor- who got all of the test results from all of the different specialists I’ve been seeing and read them and explained everything to me and educated me and I feel so fucking good it’s incredible. You know why? because he said I am not at risk for a stroke. He said all the 14 test tubes of blood and all the test they tested everything protein levels freaking anti-viper venom or something and they all came back negative. So, according to him I am one of “those rare birds” who just had a Vienous occlusion. He said it wasn’t even an arterial one so there’s no need for me to be panicky about a stroke!!

I swear I almost started to cry I was. So relived, I never realize until just now how scared and freaked out I truly have been due to all these Dr’s and tests. Go Denial. It’s something I’m very good at But I still need to get my weight down.”

So, I’ve still got to deal with the vision issues and headaches and eye injections and such, but the big bad scary risk of a Stroke part of it is over. Like I said in my email, I’m surprised at how much relief I actually felt. I’m so good at the denial thing that I wasn’t even really aware of how freaked out I was until this afternoon when my Dr said, “You are not at risk of a stroke, so far as we can tell.”

I’m still way behind on my goals, and I do still have to do another follow-up with the Dr’s at the Stroke Prevention Clinic though, because they still don’t know why this thing happened, and they want to know why. Me, I don’t care why, as long as it’s clear it is NOT a symptom of a possible brain stroke on it’s way.

Time to kick some writing ass…:)