

Today I’m wondering whats the better career move-write tons and hope to hook enough readers that I’ll someday be a “name”…or focus on one track to success, and rock that track like no one else.
What’s brought this on? I’m surfing author websites and seeing how so many of them are writing for multiple publishers in multiple genres. I’m not just talk ing about 2 here either. I’m talking about three or four publishers and four or five genres. It seems like everyone (almost) I know is writing in a minimum of three genres. Erotic romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, cowboys, historicals and contemporaries.
Because I’m finally back to writing, and I’ve surprised myself by what I am writing, I’m thinking the time off I took was a great thing. I have a much better handle on what I want to write, and what suits me. The question in my mind now is, is it going to hurt me to not write every thing that pops into my head? Or are all these authors who are doing that going to soon burn out the way I did? And if they aren’t going to, why did I?
Yes, intellectually I know we all do things differently, and we all have our paths to take, but part of me can’t help but be a little…worried that by limiting myself to one (or perhaps two at the most) thing I might be limiting my chances at success.
What do you think? Is it better to write everything that pops into your head (and these are authors who are not only writing them, but selling them) or can focussing on one thing yield the same, or more, success career wise?


  1. First off, you’re blogging here again!! Woot!! I missed you here.
    Next, I might be one of those people you’re talking about, although everything I write is erotic. Just many sub-genres. I have to write because I’m a tad ADHD. I get bored easily. I have to hop around when I get bored to get everything done, or I won’t get the one thing done I need to. Make sense?
    Can’t wait to see what you’re writing. Missed reading you.

  2. I get what you’re saying D, about a short attention span. And although you do sort of fit into what I was talking about, I wasn’t thinking of you because like you said, all of your stuff is erotic. 😎

  3. Sasha, I’m an author who writes in multiple genres. I think you have to totally go with your gut…make yourself happy. I discovered writing in one genre and trying to fit into that genre and make a success out of it didn’t work for me. I have to write whatever pops into my head or I’m not happy. And then I don’t write as well as I could. πŸ™‚ I have written a lot of erotic, but that being said, I’ve written a lot that isn’t…and I intend to mix it up depending on the story.

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