

I’d love to say I have some news, but really, I don’t. Life is life, moving forward, (too fast..can you beleive it’s MARCH?) I’m catching up on things like car repairs, and carpet cleaning. Getting somewhat organized for the upcoming Romantic Times convention. I’m working, and picking up a few extra hours because I renewed my mortgage, and realized if I focus on it, I can have my condo paid off in 5 years.

For some writers this would mean they start writing more, to get more out there and make more sales. Me? It means I write less, and work at eh bar more because the bar is immediate money. I can see it, touch it, and pay bills with it right away. UNlike the writing thing where you know you have money comeing in, but it can take months to get a check – by which time the bills have tripled.

So, for now, until my customers start to really drive me crazy, thats where the majority of my time is. And uhmm, they’re starting to drive me a bit nuts already. LOL I remember why I started writing. I love waitressing, and I love my Sasha White stuff, but I still have not learned to balance them.

But I have a new plan on how to do it all…and I’m going to write it up and share it tomorrow on GENREALITY. You might find it interesting if you sometimes find yourself struggling to strike a balance in your life.


  1. Jaq

    And here I am hoping ::fingers crossed:: that I pay off my house before retirement (if I’m still here). Go you, on being mtg free at such an early age! I always shake my head when I review files for refinances and the client is in their 70s or 80s. 🙁

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