Killing me Slowly

Killing me Slowly

I admit it, I’m not a huge review hunter when it comes to my books. Of course I like them, because I like feedback, and the more reviews there are floating around, the more I think people are reading my books. But this time around, with PRIMAL MALE, the wait is killing me.

So far I’ve only seen 2 reviews for this book, one said it kicked ass and highly recommended it,t he other said it was lacking.

I know it doesn’t release for another 12 days, but normally there are some advance ones out there by now. Especially since on top of what my publisher put out there I personally have sent out over 50 copies for review (in eBook and print format).

I know reviews aren’t a huge thing, and they don’t always sell books, but for me, it’s about more than the promotional aspect of them. Sure, getting the word out, and getting readers talking is always a good thing, but it’s also feedback for me, as an author. In general, I feel reasonably confident in my contemporary erotic stories. I know that not all readers will like them, or ‘get’ them, but I feel good about my ability to write a decent story. PRIMAL MALE is my first full length paranormal, and I admit it, I’m feeling a bit insecure about it. So…the wait is killing me slowly. 😳

Just thought I’d share.


  1. I wish I could help. I read the one review I found but wasn’t too fond of it. All the other ones I could find ended up being the same one. :cursing:

    I will say that I plan on getting it regardless. I already have my heart set on it. I loved Sexy Devil and I’m sure I’ll love Primal Male.

    Cheer up sweetie, we’re all here for ya.

  2. Thank you, Brandy. *hugs you*

    I think the review your seeing everywhere is the Harriet Klausner one, yeah, I didn’t quiet get what she was saying… JERR gave it a great review…I remember loving it and thinking YES!…but I forgot to save it so I just need to find it.

  3. Yes the Harrier Klausner review was the one I kept reading everywhere. I was a bit confused by her review, was it good or did she not like it? Whatever!!! I was surprised to see it all over the place though.

    I still like your stuff and for me that’s all that matters. I’ve read books that didn’t have great or even good reviews and loved the book. Goes to show we are all different.

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