Evolution of a writer??

Evolution of a writer??

“Although the sex scenes are colorful and stem from the characters’ passion for one another, they’re much too short, and never quite managed to get me squirming in my seat. However, Ms. White has a definite talent for writing captivating science fiction. Her descriptions of alien races, technology and foreign settings pulled me right in to the story, making the surroundings come alive. With a few well-placed details and a brave, sexy hero, Ms. White expertly fulfills the expectations of any science fiction romance fan.”

Hmmm, not the sort of comments I’m used to seeing about my own stories.

This is from the review of Transplant at JERR. It got good numbers, 4 Stars. But only an S for heat rating. That’s not bad! Let me say this straight off . . . I’m not complaining! But, her comments do make me wonder and start to see a bit of a pattern.

You see, I started out writing short stories for erotica anthologies. 5,000 words was a lot for me, and each 5k story generally had three sex scenes. Very hot sex scenes. I never doubted my ability to write hot. Then as I started shifting into the erotic romance genre, and writing longer with novellas and novels, I actually started to learn more about the craft of writing.

By no means am I someone who analyzes craft. I read Jaye’s blog, Alison Kents blog and PBW’s for that sort of stuff. They break it all down for me into terms I understand. 😀

Part of me see’s from this review that I am growing as a writer. That someone read one of my stories, a short story, and saw more than the sex. This is a good thing right?

Then there’s the part of me that worries I lost what I think made my stories special, an ability to make readers squirm in delight, or in anticaption of delight.

It’s evolution right? I’m showing growth as a writer? Transplant is 7k and only has 2 sex scenes. She liked the story and the writing, not just the sex.

So I think the lesson for today is …. for the evolution of this writer to continue, I need to be aware that while I continue to learn and grow, that I shouldn’t lose what I already had.

Sound about right? :confused:


  1. Jaq

    Sounds dead on to me, hon.

    I must say, I’m really surprised re the comment of your sex scenes. You’ve never written one, that I’ve read, that has failed to make me squirm in my seat. :blush: 😛

  2. Sasha

    Thanks, Jaq!! LOl

    RE the love scenes, I’m just reminding myself it’s one prersons opinion.

    The rest though, she switched a light bulb on for me…and you know, I’m proud she liked the story and the writing. It was still a great review. Plus, It’s a long way from those two RWA contests I entered where I was told only the sex scenes were good. :laugh:

  3. YOUR sex scenes didn’t make her squirm in her seat??! What’s she sitting on??! :O

    Just kidding, hon. It IS a good review. And it’s only my opinion, but as much as I enjoy writing and reading erotica, I really enjoy a good story to go with it.
    Pat yourself on the back, girl! 😛

  4. YOUR sex scenes didn’t make her squirm in her seat??! What’s she sitting on??! :O

    Just kidding, hon. It IS a good review. And it’s only my opinion, but as much as I enjoy writing and reading erotica, I really enjoy a good story to go with it.
    Pat yourself on the back, girl! 😛

  5. Sasha

    Thanks for the support ladies! You are the best!

    And Raine, no worries it wasn’t you or your computer. The server my website is on was down again, so it burped you twice. LOL

  6. Eve

    First – congratulations on the review and a pat on the back to you.
    Secondly – I’m with Jac and Raine – you’ve never written a sex scene that didn’t cause me to have to go change clothes. There! I sort of said it – hey, I’m still loosening up – takes a while to get that internal censor to shut up! 😀

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