

My sleep pattern has been crazy for the last couple of weeks. Ever since I discovered I got myself started on 4 projects. You all know I work nights. Well, I’ve started writing when I come home from work…so lately I haven’t been going to bed until 6, 7, or 7:30 in the morning…then I try to get myself up by noon or 1 at the latest.

So I tried to right my sleeping pattern to a somewhat normal one of going to bed by 3:30 and getting up at 11….like I used to. I went to bed at 3:30 on Tuesday..had really bad sleep then got up and was grumpy all day yesterday. Went to bed early last night, (At 3:30) got up full of energy at 10:30 this a.m. Did some writing, went to lay down for a miute around 1. . . and slept until 4!!! Now I am off to work.. thinking I’ll be up all night again.:confused:

I think I’ll just give in uand be a complete night owl for a while. At least when I write at night and it’s quiet and dark (there’s just something about the dark when you know everyone else is asleep) …my sex scenes rock!! :hehe:


  1. Dianna

    :hehe:I need to keep my sleep schedule balanced, I find if I lose one night I am fine, but two and I can’t function mentally and I ache physically. But the few times I stayed up to write cause I was on a roll is best work, the next day when you read it over and go wow I wrote that! 😀

  2. I love being up in the dead of night. I used to suffer from insomnia and I loved that 2-5 am when it’s soooooooo quiet. If I didn’t have to work days I’d probably be a night owl with ya love. 🙂

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