

I only worked a brief shift tonight (3 hours) …and I admit to feeling a bit uhmmm …shall we say frisky?

I’d had a good weekend.:P So when my BT came in and I had a drink with him I was looking forward to a good end to my night. But I don’t like to drink where I work, so I went down the road to another pub. He said maybe he’d see me, maybe not…it’s casual and all good. He didn’t show,and that could’ve very easily upset me, but I had a helluva good time flirting and playing pool with four young 20 year olds instead.

Nothing like a young cutie telling me I’m pretty and hinting at wanting to learn how to please a woman to make me think twice. :laugh: Ok, it was actually all in fun. They were very young, and we shared some beer and played pool, and flirted. I even adopted one of them as my cousin because I felt so protective of him!

As a writer, with a fulltime job, I don’t get out much, well out from behind the bar that I work at anyway. And this just reminded me that it’s important to get out and meet people. And it reminded me of how good it felt to flirt…for no other reason that to flirt. I knew there was no way anything could happen with these guys. They’re 15 years younger than me…but we all had fun. And that’s the point. Sometimes in life, you just need to have fun.


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